You need to consider these terms, prior to publishing your dataset: 

1. Your uploads do not infringe upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity or other right of any third party;

2. Your uploads do not violate any laws;

3. In the event you become aware of any issues after submission, you will promptly notify DR-NTU (Data) and the relevant DR-NTU (Data) Administrator(s) of any confidentiality, privacy or data protection, licensing, or intellectual property issues regarding your uploads;

4. Your uploads do not contain software viruses or any other computer codes, files, or programs that are designed or intended to disrupt, damage, limit or interfere with the proper function of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any system, data files, or other information of DR-NTU (Data) or any third party;

5. Your uploads have been given all relevant, obligatory, and applicable approvals for posting such materials with the content included and in the format uploaded, including but not limited to approvals from the Institutional Review Board and third parties with whom you have relevant contractual obligations; and

6. Your uploads must be void of all identifiable information, such that re-identification of any subjects from the amalgamation of the information available from all of the materials (across datasets and dataverses) uploaded under any one author and/or User should not be possible. Specifically, User Uploads cannot contain social security numbers; credit card numbers; medical record numbers; health plan numbers; other account numbers of individuals; or biometric identifiers (fingerprints, retina, voice, print, DNA, etc.). The only exceptions for when identifiable information is allowed are when:

  • the information has been previously released to the public;
  • the information describes public figures, where the data relates to their public roles or other non-sensitive subjects; or
  • all identified subjects have given explicit informed consent allowing the public release of the information in the dataset.

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