If you are a student purchasing books using school funds, this answer does not apply. Please check with your school administrator.

For NTU faculty and staff, when you need a book that is not in the Library collections for the purposes of research, learning or teaching, we will try to purchase it as an e-book (if available) or print book.

  • If we purchase the e-book edition, the terms of use depends on the provider.
  • If we purchase the print book, our circulation (sharing) policies apply.


The Library understands that occasionally there is a need for you to hold on to a print book for a long period (e.g. 6, 12 months or more), i.e. the Library's circulation polices does not work for you. In such cases, NTU faculty or staff may consider using school or research funds, i.e. non-Library fund.

You do not need approval from the Library when you buy books using school or research funds, but you will need the approval from the approving authority of the fund. Your school/department administrators may also have their own guidelines on the purchase of books using school funds.

Before you purchase, the Library suggests that you check the Library's catalogue to confirm that (1) we do not already have the title, and that (2) what the Library can offer (whether e-book or print book) does not meet your needs. Checking first help save your funds for other purposes.

  • It is possible for the Library to do the purchasing of print books for NTU faculty or staff using school / research funds. However, the lead-time for library purchasing can take up to 12 weeks.

When you have purchased an item that can be shared for the purposes of research, learning or teaching, e.g. a print book, the Library will become the custodian for such materials. The book will have to be returned to the Library when it is no longer required, or when you are no longer with the University.

Send the item to us for processing before you submit your reimbursement claims (see also this FAQ). You will receive an acknowledgement email that serves as a supporting document for the claim.

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