Yes, you can.

As dataset depositor, typically you have the Admin role for that dataset, hence you will be able to grant the appropriate permissions. Permissions can be granted at the dataverse or dataset level to other users of DR-NTU (Data). 


To grant permissions on a dataverse

  1. Click on 'Edit' > 'Permissions'
  2. Under 'Users/Groups', click on 'Assign Roles to Users/Groups'
  3. Search for name or username under 'Users/Groups' and click on the 'Role' which you wish to grant to user*.
  4. This user will have the same permission for ALL datasets under this dataverse.


To grant permissions on a dataset 

  1. Click on 'Edit Dataset' > 'Permissions' > 'Dataset' or 'File'
  2. Under 'Users/Groups', click on 'Assign Roles to Users/Groups'
  3. Search for name or username under 'Users/Groups' and click on the 'Role' which you wish to grant to user*.
  4. This user will have the permission only for this particular dataset.


*user name is only searchable if he/she has ever logged into DR-NTU (Data) (see LibGuide on how to login).


What are the different roles?

  • Admin - A person who has all permissions for dataverses, datasets, and files.
  • Contributor - For datasets, a person who can view unpublished dataset, edit and delete dataset draft. Contributor cannot publish a dataset, but rather submit the edit for Admin to review.
  • Curator - For datasets, a person who can view unpublished dataset, edit, delete dataset draft, and publish datasets.
  • Member - A person who can view both unpublished dataverses and datasets.

If the roles are not sufficient for your needs, you can create a custom role under the dataverse, and use it at the dataverse or dataset  level. 


Use cases

Example 1: a Principal Investigator creates a dataverse and asks a team member to deposit a dataset there. The PI wishes to review the datasets prior to publishing. In this case, the PI is the dataverse 'Admin' and can grant a 'Contributor' role to his/her team member on the dataverse.

Example 2: two researchers are working on a single paper. The dataset for the paper is parked under one of the researcher's dataverse. The dataset 'Admin'/depositor can assign his/her co-author as 'Curator' on the dataset. The co-author will have the rights to publish as well, with this permission given.


If you need help, please contact NTU Library.

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