"File available in original format only" message is shown typically when tabular data file ingestion fails, as it does not conform to format required by the web application (screenshot below). 

Not to worry, your data file is okay and can still be downloaded! This is non-fatal and will not be viewed publicly (i.e. viewable only by dataset owner).

Tabular data file ingestion (for tabular files < 300MB) helps to process tabular files so that they can be:

  1. previewed using the "eye" button
  2. stored and downloaded in widely-used/ archival/ non-proprietary formats, rather than the original file format (e.g. xlsx, RData format)



However, if you wish to fix the ingestion failure, you can click on the question mark next to the "File available in original format only" message. It will give an indication of the issue you need to fix, in order to remove the warning message. If you require further assistance on troubleshooting this message, contact NTU Library.

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