Yes, you may delay the release of data files on a dataset, by selecting a release date via data file embargoes.


1. Create a dataset and add data files. Do not publish the dataset, yet.


2. To embargo a single file, click on the ellipsis on the right of each data file > Embargo.

To embargo multiple files, select the checkboxes of files you wish to embargo > Edit Files > Embargo.

You may apply different embargo dates to different files.


3. Select the embargo end-date (release date), up to a maximum of 24 months > Save Changes.


Upon saving, you should see an "Embargoed" label appear on the dataset.


4. When your dataset is ready to be made publicly available, click on "Publish". 

The embargoed data files will not be available for download until the embargo end-date (release date). On the other hand, dataset metadata and non-embargo files will be publicly available upon publishing the dataset.

You do not need to wait till the embargo end-date to "Publish" your dataset. The embargoed files become available for download automatically once the embargo end-date has passed.

You will not be able to edit your embargo end-date once your dataset has been published. Contact NTU Library if you require any help on this.

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