Films may be screened to a group for leisure/non-course-related purposes. The screening of films must not generate profit and is non-commercial in nature.

Only titles acquired with Public Performance Rights can be screened. The list of titles with Public Performance Rights can be retrieved from the Library catalogue by searching “public performance right”.

The licences of the majority of films acquired by the Library prohibit any public performance. Viewing of such films for leisure is confined to personal private use only. The Library does not arrange for the screening of films to an audience for recreational and entertainment purposes.


Public Performance

In the event that a public screening of a film for leisure is required, the following permission and licence have to be acquired. These licences are required even if the film is screened free-of-charge and is educational in nature.

(i)         Film Exhibition Licence issued by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) for screening of restricted title

(ii)        Public Performance Licence issued, or permission granted by the copyright holder


Film Exhibition Licence

A film exhibition licence is required if NTU library wishes to screen films rated NC16 / M18 / R21. This licence enables the Library to screen the IMDA rated films to the general student population for entertainment purposes. No licence is required to screen movies up to Parental Guidance 13 (PG13) rating.

The cost of the film exhibition licence:

  • $600 for 1 year
  • $1,500 for 3 years

A Security Deposit of $20,000, in the form of a banker’s guarantee or via GIRO, is required.

Note: As of 17 April 2020, IMDA has waived all fees for the 1-year and 3-year Film Exhibition Licences. Security Deposit requirements continue to apply.

More details on exhibition licence and other licencing issues are available at: 


Copyright & Public Performance Licence

Permission for public performance is necessary before the screening of any film to an audience for recreational and entertainment purposes. List of titles of films to be screened has to be first sent to MPA who will send the contact information of the major producers they represent. It is the responsibility of the requestor to contact each producer for copyright clearance. The validity period of a public performance licence varies from producer to producer and is often determined by the sum of royalties paid.

Netflix Studios, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Universal City Studios, Warner Bros Entertainment, and Walt Disney Studios are represented by the Motion Picture Association (MPA).

Requests for public performance licence are to be submitted to MPA at the following address:

Motion Picture Association
No. 1 Magazine Road
Central Mall #04-07
Singapore 059567
6253-1033 (main)
6255-1838 (fax)

A large number of independent producers, especially non-US producers, do not have an association who will act on their behalf. Permission needs to be sought by approaching each producer individually as MPA does not represent them.

Fees are subject to studio confirmation. Sometimes, for non-commercial and academic viewing, no fee is involved.

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