You can access Berita Harian via the following:

  • Berita Harian Online via NLB mobile app (Coverage: e-paper archives is only for the past 14 days to current)
  • Factiva (Coverage: From April 2011 to current)
  • Nexis Uni (formerly known as Lexis Nexis Academic) (Coverage: From 2004 to current)
  • NewspaperSG -- archive resource by the National Library Board (Coverage: From Jul 1957 - Dec 2015)

To search for articles from Berita Harian in Factiva, please follow these steps:

  1. When you are in the Factiva database, click on the drop-down menu for Source > Type in “Berita Harian” and select the relevant option.

  2. Select “Bahasa Melayu” in Language:

  3. Type in the keywords/phrases:

  4. This is an example of the articles search result:

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