NTU is moving towards the use of your ORCID records as an automatic source for your list of research publications and other outputs such as creative works, starting with NTU professors. The local research funding agencies in Singapore and many other countries require ORCID iDs for grant applications. It is to your own benefit to have your ORCID record ready as a CV which you can use anytime and anywhere, regardless of which organization you work for. Hence, you are strongly recommended to create one if you don’t have one yet. Once you have an ORCID iD, set the configuration to ensure as much auto-updates as possible for your new publications including published research data in your ORCID record.


For NTU faculty members, you will be selecting publications and scholarly works to display in your NTU academic profile page via the upcoming RISE system (the new NTU research information management system) when it is up. This new system will be tapping on the 'Works' section of your ORCID record. Hence, you will need to have the 'Works' section of your ORCID record ready by 31 May 2020 (as announced by RSO). You will need to grant NTU permission via the authorization process by 30 Apr 2020.

Visiting Professors and Adjunct Appointment holders will not be required to authorize NTU for their ORCID record access.

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