Please perform the following checks:

  1. Check that you have login correctly as follows:
    Use your NTU network account user. Do not enter the domain or email address to login.

    Example of user name:
    Correct:   kong0006
    Incorrect: student\KONG0006                              
  2. Refresh your screen. Sometimes the system keeps showing you the same login screen even after you've logged in. So if you still see the login screen after logging in, please try to click on the home (house icon) on the banner. It will take you to the home page. Then at the top right corner you will see the message which looks like "Logged in as."
  3. Wait about 20 minutes and try again or use different computer to login. During the peak period, due to the load, some users can face login problem. Normally students are able to login later when they try again.
  4. If the problem still persists, please report to us the problem via Ask a Librarian.

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