NTU Library has its beginning in 1982, in the form of Nanyang Technological Institue Library (NTI Library). It was housed temporarily at where the Student Services Centre now stands from 1982 - 1986, while the academic complex was under construction. Upon the completion of the North Spine academic complex in 1986, the library relocated and was named Library 1.

In 1987, when Block N2 in the North Spine was completed, Library 2 opened to serve the needs of the School of Accountancy (now known as Nanyang Business School). Library 2 would later be renamed as Business Library in 2009.

In 2001, Library 1 was renamed Lee Wee Nam Library, whose namesake was the founder of Lee Hiok Kee Pte Ltd which donated generously to NTU.

Between 2005 - 2009, five subject libraries were established to cater to the needs of new disciplines of studies in NTU: Humanities and Social Sciences Library (2005), Communication and Information Library (2005), Art, Design & Media Library (2006), Chinese Library (2008) and Business Library (2009).

For an illustrated timeline, with additional information on the development of services, spaces and facilities of NTU Library, you may click here.


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