1. Final research data from all disciplines can be deposited in DR-NTU (Data). NOT research papers.
  2. Code,
  3. And data documentation that help to facilitate the reuse of your research data. 
  • Examples of data documentation: readme.txt, data workflows, data dictionaries. 
  • They could cover variable names and descriptions, definition of codes and classification schemes, codes of, and reasons for, missing values, definitions of specialty terminology and acronyms, algorithms used to transform data, etc.

In contributing content to DR-NTU (Data), you have to ensure the content complies with the DR-NTU (Data) General Terms of Use, particularly item 6 of User Uploads - Restrictions. The content must not infringe upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights, not violate any laws, not contain software viruses, and must be void of all identifiable information. 

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