DR-NTU (Data) will accept any file formats.

Each single file upload is limited to 10 GB. However, the file upload experience could vary, depending on factors such as type and bandwidth of Internet connection eg. via LAN connection or via WiFi. 

If you have everything in one huge file, consider breaking it down into smaller sub-files. Consider data re-user download experience when you organise your data files. Organise them in a way that is easiest to understand and re-use.

There is no limit for a dataset in terms of number of files.

When uploading a single zipped folder, there is a limit of 1,000 files per zipped folder.

DR-NTU (Data) will automatically unpack zipped file. To retain compression, folders have to be double zipped before uploading. We recommend .zip for file compression format.

There is no charge to deposit research data on DR-NTU (Data).


If you encounter any difficulty in uploading your files, send us your screen shots through online form.

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