Windows : Go to the Edit Menu, Choose Preferences. Select "Sync" and choose the "Enable Sync" button. You will be prompted to enter ‘EndNote Account Credentials’. Create an ‘EndNote Account’ using your NTU email if you do not have an EndNote Account.

Mac: Go to the EndNote Menu, Choose Preferences. Here, select "Sync" and choose the "Enable Sync" button. You will be prompted to enter ‘EndNote Account Credentials’. Create an ‘EndNote Account’ using your NTU email if you do not have an EndNote Account.

EndNote: Sharing Groups using EndNote 20 and X9 desktop version

EndNote 20 and EndNote X9 offers users the option to share a group of references with up to 100 other EndNote online users.

Group sharing provides entire teams with immediate and real-time access to an EndNote group. A group is a selected set of references from an EndNote library. Group sharing is recommended as an alternative to saving a library or group on a shared drive or emailing a compressed copy around to collaborators.

To begin sharing groups, the library should be synced with the EndNote online account. Once done, follow the steps below:

  • Open your synced library
  • Initiate group sharing by right-clicking a group or from the ‘Group’ Menu and select ‘Share Group’ option
  • After selecting one of these options, you will get a ‘Sharing Group’ dialog
  • Enter the email address (or addresses separated by commas) of the people that you would like to invite in the email box
  • For each invitee, use the dropdown box to select the desired access level: Read & Write or Read Only
  • Enter an optional message to be sent to the above email address
  • Click on the Invite button

Now the user will get the invite to their email address and they will need to accept it. For an EndNote 20 and EndNote X9 user, the shared groups will appear under the ‘Groups Shared by Others’ group set in the Groups pane in the user's synced library. When that is clicked, it opens the group in EndNote online.

You can also see this video on how to share the groups using EndNote X9 desktop version:

You can also see this video on how to share the groups using EndNote 20 Desktop version:



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