By default, EndNote  will only install the most commonly used output styles during installation. To change this, you have a couple of options. You can add styles individually by downloading the styles and installing them, or you can add all styles or specific categories of styles by modifying your installation.

   (i)  Add styles individually by downloading from EndNote website
   (ii) Add all styles (customisation)

Individual styles can be downloaded from the EndNote website. Browse to the location where you downloaded the style. Double-click on the style file, to open it in the EndNote program. In EndNote, go to the "File Menu" and choose "Save as". Remove the word "copy" from the end of the style's name and click the "Save" button. Click on the "File Menu" and choose "Close Style". The downloaded style should now be installed in the EndNote program.

Add all styles by customisation (modify EndNote installation)With Windows Operating system use  'Control Panel' -->'Programs and Features'. Select EndNote and choose Change. Select the Modify Option and choose Next. To install all styles, select the box in front of "Additional Styles" and choose the option "Will be installed on local hard drive".  Click Next until the process is complete. All EndNote styles are available after customisation.



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