Recommend Book Purchase

Before you submit, please note:

  • Recommendations may take up to 4 weeks to be fully processed.
  • If the Library decides to purchase, it may take up to another 6-8 weeks before the book can be made available for reading.
  • More information about the turnaround time can be found here.


Details of the Book
Please provide more details to support your recommendation*

Below are some guiding questions for you to consider:

  1. Which research project or course/assignment is this for?
  2. How will this be used?
  3. How important is this title to you, and why so?
    Please provide sufficient details here especially if you have ranked the importance as Rank A.
  4. By when do you need this book?
  5. Have you looked at what the Library already has or considered alternatives?
  6. Have you previewed the title or examined the table-of-contents to judge the relevance?

*See also: Guide to Library Resources - Recommendations and Requests


If necessary, you can upload a file using the feature below.



Fields marked with * are required.
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