1. Login in Web of Science and select the Researcher Profile icon at the left-hand side.

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 2. Click on “+Add “ button for Publications. Additionally, you can edit your profile, add your peer review records, editor records, editorial board memberships by clicking on respective buttons.

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3. You will be directed to a page offering you several options to add your publications. These options include:

  • Suggested publications
    • Web of Science uses your name and email addresses to query Web of Science and allow you to claim the publications returned.  
  • Identifier import
    • Manually add publications one-by-one by entering one of the following identifiers: DOI, Web of Science accession number, arXiv, or PubMed ID, or title. 
  • File upload  
    • Import your publication history from another platform by uploading an exported file in RIS, CSV, or BibTex format. 
  • Sync with ORCID  
    • The system will retrieve the works which you have included in your ORCID record and then fetch any additional metadata for those works. 

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4. If you wish to delete papers from your profile, click on “Publications” to access the publication list page.

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5. Locate the paper you wish to delete, click on “Delete” beside the title and confirm.




Clarivate. (2023). Adding and removing publications from web of science researcher profiles.

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