To access SciVal, please request for a Registration ID and passcode from SciVal administrator, Dr Yu Ligen (NTU TRACS), at mlgyu[at]
If you already have an Elsevier account, please follow the following steps:
1. Go to
2. Enter your Registration ID and passcode.
3. Once your redemption is successful, you may click 'Continue' to add NTU to your account.
4. Enter your email and click 'Continue'.
5. Enter your password for Elsevier account and click 'Sign in'.
Note: If you do not have an Elsevier account or you are not prompted for your password, please see the following steps to create your password.
6. You will then successfully log-in to SciVal home page as below.
Please contact Dr Yu Ligen at mlgyu[at] or NTU Library at library[at] if you encounter any issues.
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