EndNote's 'Find Full Text' article works. .

Steps to set up 'Find Full Text'. 

1. In your EndNote library, select Edit > Preferences from the menu bar.  The EndNote Preferences dialog box will open.

2. In the left column, click on Find Full Text.

3. Check all four boxes for Web of Science, DOI, PubMed, and OpenURL.

4. Copy and paste the following for Open URL  and Authenticate with:

Open URL

Authenticate with:

To run “Find Full Text” in EndNote 
1. Select (highlight) the references you would like EndNote to try and find PDFs
2. Click References > Find Full Text > Find Full Text
3. EndNote Find Full Text copyright and usage notice will pop up
4. Click OK
5. You will see the progress of the search on the left (in the Groups pane). 

EndNote's Find fulltext feature (PubMed)

While this feature works quite well, it is not perfect and may not find everything.

Manually attach a PDF to an existing reference

This method is useful when you already have the PDF of a reference saved on your computer. This method is carried out for one reference at a time, not multiple reference simultaneously.

1. In your EndNote Desktop library, select (click) the reference you would like to attach the PDF to, then:

  • Click the Attach File button within the Summary tab on the right panel, then select file and press the Open button.


  • File Attachments > Attach File > select file > press the Open button.

2. Click on any other reference to bring up a "Do you want to save the changes you made to the reference?" pop-up box. Click Yes.

3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each other reference you want to attach a PDF to.

The PDF file is attached to the reference in your EndNote Desktop library, as evident by the paperclip icon  next to each one.


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